New! Betsy and Joe in Minneapolis

In July 2012, Kathy Baxter, Barbara Carter, and Jennifer Marshall (members of the Maud Hart Lovelace Society) designed this fabulous brochure to guide visitors in finding important sites mentioned in the books. Many thanks to Barb and Jennifer for their kind permission to post it here.

Note: See our resource “A Week in Deep Valley” for additional addresses of key things to see in Minneapolis.


We love welcoming visitors to Mankato! If you're looking for Betsy and Tacy in today’s Deep Valley, we highly recommend Julie Schrader’s indispensable guidebook Discover Deep Valley, available in our Shop. On the following pages, we suggest how to fill a day, a weekend, or a week in Deep Valley. Look over all three lists and choose what most appeals to you in the time you have. There’s so much to see and do here!

Other authors who love Betsy-Tacy

A surprising number of well-known authors love Betsy-Tacy and were happy to talk to us about why!

A closer look at the books

Betsy-Tacy fun

Betsy-Tacy sites

More about Maud and Delos

  • Collected papers of Maud Hart and Delos Wheeler Lovelace at the Minnesota Historical Society

More about the Betsy-Tacy Society

Other books by Maud Hart Lovelace

All of Maud’s in-print books are available in our Shop:

  • The Black Angels

  • Collected Stories of Maud Hart Lovelace & Delos Lovelace, Vol. 1 

  • Collected Stories of Maud Hart Lovelace & Delos Lovelace, Vol. 2 

  • Early Candlelight

  • One Stayed at Welcome

  • The Tune Is In the Tree

  • The Valentine Box

Maud’s other books (Gentlemen from England, The Charming Sally, Petticoat Court, The Trees Kneel at Christmas, What Cabrillo Found, and The Golden Wedge) are not in print at this time but can generally be found on various book-sale websites (e.g.,, in libraries, or at used-book stores.

Books about the Lovelaces and Deep Valley

Books written by Delos W. Lovelace

  • Rockne of Notre Dame (1931)

  • King Kong (novelization of the movie King Kong) (1933)

  • One Stayed at Welcome (with Maud) (1934)

  • Gentlemen from England (with Maud) (1937)

  • The Golden Wedge (with Maud) (1942)

  • General “Ike” Eisenhower (1944)

  • Journey to Bethlehem (1953)

  • That Dodger Horse (1956)